Wednesday 16 May 2012

5 Annoying Things Old People Do

5 Annoying Things Old People Do


1.  Pushing infront

Normally this is the bus queue, but it can be anywhere. There you are stood minding your own business and an army of zimmer frames charge straight in front of you, nearly knocking you off your feet! The young are the trouble makers? I don't think so.

2. Being rude

I would love to say that you wouldn't believe the horrific comments old people can come out with, but you probably can. They say exactly what they think… and more. Not to mention the typical grumpy old ladies and men, that pull a face like their Tena has leaked. 

3. Trying to be too trendy

There are always limits, when an old lady starts calling you 'babs' or babe it is just plain creepy...

4. Being bossy

Fair enough, they need a hand with a few things, but then they end up going too far. You pull your back out lifting everything for them, then notice them doing press ups (joking! just, how easily they manage on their own). Before you know it, you have become their own maid.

5. The funny noises they make

You try not to notice, and obviously don't react. But you cannot help but find it annoying. The grunts, snorts and hacking are almost animal like.

Longcoat rex brindle mouse

Ever heard of a longcoat rex brindle mouse before? Adorable!


Cute cages

This cage is so cute, even better with this carrier:
